Students must be at least six years old and any age upwards, providing they are reasonably fit and suffer no serious ailments. Please inform the instructor(s) if you are diabetic or asthmatic etc. You will have to declare this information on your licence application should you wish to train regularly. You should also consult your doctor if you're not used to rigorous physical exercise
You can begin training by turning up at the dojo and introduce yourself to the instructor.
Your First Lesson
To begin with, the only clothing you'll need is a T-shirt and jogging or tracksuit bottoms. By the third training session you will need to confirm whether you want to continue training with the club or not.
If you do, you'll need to complete and sign a club application form and pay for a licence - this will hold your insurance certificate and grading record, the instructor will supply the relevant application form.
Jujitsu is a Japanese martial art, although we don't follow the traditionalists when it comes to using 'Japanese' to describe the techniques, we do follow basic 'dojo' etiquette. One of these is the wearing of a traditional uniform - a 'gi'. Once you have joined and paid for your insurance you must also purchase a gi.
Gi's can be ordered from our instructors. Costs are subject to change, so speak to the instructor about the items available.
The licence, including your insurance certificate entitles you to train at any of our clubs and approved seminar locations. Like most insurance premiums, student insurance cover must be renewed each year, this is done via completing our club membership form, the same form used when applying for original membership.
Without a valid license/insurance you cannot continue to train at any of our clubs, compete in competition, attend seminars and you are not permitted to grade.
Club Rules
Your license includes our organisation/club rules. These must be read and the back page of the license signed by you, parents will need to sign on behalf of their children.
Training Fees
We do not demand 'standing order' payments or monthly fees; you pay as you train.