Sensei Steve Cole

Grade :- 6th Dan

Kobudo :- Level 1
UKMA GB Coach :- Level 2
Qualified Competition Referee
Competition Record :-

1997 Weapon Kata Gold
1995 Pairs Demonstration Silver
1995 Weapon Kata Bronze

SteveColeProfileI started my ju-jitsu training in 1987 at Swindon Ju Jitsu Club. Previous to that my main interests were amateur boxing and Judo.

I had a number of amateur boxing bouts at shows at various locations around the south of England in the late seventies and early eighties with levels of success varying from good wins to some very painful defeats.

It was during training in boxing that I met a friend who convinced me to join the Royal Marines Reserve, and it was there that I found an interest in self defence techniques during practice for the display teams.

On leaving the RMR I took up Judo at Swindon Judo Club, the first instructor I met there was Dave Gadd, who obviously made a great impression on me as we are still training regularly together to this day, although now of course in Ju Jitsu rather than Judo.

During an enforced break from Judo due to an injury, a work colleague of mine persuaded me to have a go at Ju Jitsu, and I have been hooked ever since.

At the club I met my very close friend Baj Bharj, and we have been running Swindon Ju Jitsu Club together now for many years.

Baj and I have graded through the Jikishin syllabus together over the years, we are currently both 6th dan which we progressed to in December 2018.

It has been and still is a privilege to be part of Jikishin Ju Jitsu Association. Over the years I have met so many great friends, also excellent martial artists, and received so much help and support, especially from Sensei’s Terry and Janet Parker, Sensei Brian Herbert and so many others too numerous to mention by name here.

I feel the atmosphere at our club is relaxed and friendly but also disciplined, determined and spirited. We concentrate on the Jikishin Association syllabus ( but also regularly practice Ko-budo weapon work, and free practice groundwork and sparring.

We have some superb students at the club, I would like to thank them all for their continued support and friendship.

New members are of course always more than welcome.

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